CalendarHero for Recruiting Teams


Powerful meeting scheduling for the entire recruiting funnel


Build an effective and impressive candidate experience, while CalendarHero handles interview and meeting scheduling.


Why Recruiters use CalendarHero


The AI difference

CalendarHero schedules all your interviews and hiring-related meetings, from screening calls to recruitment meetings and complex group interviews automatically.

A better candidate experience

Scheduling with in-demand candidates can be challenging. CalendarHero makes it easy for any candidate to quickly & easily self-schedule interviews when it works for them and you.


Simplified candidate research

Get to know your candidates in seconds with our People Insights feature.

Scheduling flexibility

CalendarHero integrates with recruiting tools like Greenhouse, Slack, Gmail and more for a smarter workflow.


Easy meeting preparation

Be your most prepared with daily briefings about upcoming meetings and quick links to candidate details from your ATS.


Documents made easy

Save time by having CalendarHero find and generate standard documents like employee contracts for you.


Integrate your recruiter tech stack


Add CalendarHero to your applicant tracking system (ATS) to access candidate details in seconds and track meeting activity automatically.


Intelligent scheduling for modern recruiting


CalendarHero supports your hiring momentum by going beyond meeting scheduling alone. With CalendarHero, you can automatically log activity in your ATS, find documents in seconds, and access candidate insights faster to hire more efficiently.

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Choose a better way to meet

Hire faster with automated interview scheduling